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Background Investigations

Don't Hire a Crook!

Category: Background Investigations / Investigation Services

Most thefts from businesses of all sizes are internal. Data, intellectual property, proprietary information, customer data bases and other critical business information and property is stolen by employees every day. Most businesses do some type of cursory check on new hires but much of the information that comes back is not verified. Some of the information that is returned on people is truly not associated with the actual person being run. Our verification process and three tiered background investigation service guarantees accurate information and gives you the answers you need to help protect your investment.

In addition, most businesses do not follow up with subsequent background investigations on seasoned staff or on persons who are promoted. We can put processes in place that make periodic checks of your staff comprehensive. This is an invaluable service that too many employers overlook. Have you been burned?

Type: Background Checks

Do you want to know who you are hiring? Do you want to know who is interacting with your children? Do you need general peace of mind about an individual? Let us know how we can help!

Featured Investigators

John Hopper

John Hopper is a US Army Military Police Veteran as well as a former MCSO employee. John has over 15 years of investigative and law enforcement experience. John's areas of expertise are fraud, personal injury, intelligence/counter intelligence, identity theft, surveillance and criminal enterprise(s). John is an Associate Private Investigator License holder of JB National Investigations, LLC.

Email John Hopper

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